Thursday, November 9, 2017

James Patrick Scared-and-Angry-Little-Boy Corcoran

WONDERFUL staffing today, for my friend’s son Trevor! He Thiems out in a couple weeks, becoming yet another proof that the Illinois forensic “mental health” system is a useless waste of resources (When a patient Thiems out, “treatment” has obviously failed, because its purpose was to get the patient out sooner.)

This began today with a dispute over how many people can attend a monthly staffing.

Section 2-102 of the Illinois Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities Code [405 ILCS 5/2-102]... is the authority on this....

The relevant language is: ”The treatment plan shall be periodically reviewed with the participation of the recipient to the extent feasible....”

The language is NOT (although they clearly wish it were), “The plan shall be periodically reviewed with all feasible convenience for the treatment team and their bureaucrtic bosses, and all feasible acknowledgement and respect for their unparalleled expertise, superiority and magnanimity.” 

It also does NOT say that Administrators may use the section to prevent anyone whom the recipient wants to attend, as retribution against people who have attorney Kretchmar representing them. This is really what they wish it said— they’d like to be able to say, despite how utterly contrary to the spirit and purpose of the law it would be, “Well if the attorney comes, we won’t let your family participate!” 

They’d also love to pathologize any patient’s choice of attorney, if only “agreeing with Kretchmar about psychiatry” were a listed symptom somewhere in the DSM. (The closest they can get to that is probably under the diagnosis, “Prodromal anosognosia - 295.001, a perfectly serviceable mental illness that I warned about, and actually  invented myself, several years ago.)

This statutory section is ostentatiously positioned under “Article I. RIGHTS”. Those rights are, of course, rights of recipients of services, NOT  rights of would-be human property owners who reside up in the big house on the psychiatric  plantation! “Rights” in human property ended 152 years ago in this country, by the outcome of a rather ultimate clarification, called the Civil War.

So Trevor had a right to participate to the extent feasible in the staffing today, which is the legally prescribed “periodic review” of his treatment plan. He made it very clear that he wanted both his father and me (as legal counsel) to be present. But in the event, Dr. Corcoran (Medical Director of EMHC) and Dr. Ingram (head of court services) met Trevor’s Father and me in the lobby and said only one or the other of us could be allowed ro attend. 

I asked why, and Corcoran said, ”It’s our policy.” I asked if the policy is formal or written anywhere, and he refused to answer, though he briefly let it slip that it was a recent policy handed down by the legal department (meaning, presumably, by General Counsel CorreyAnne Gulkewiz, whose office is certainly up in the big house, at 100 West Randolph, Suite 6-400, Chicago, IL 60601, 312- 814-4692. But Dr. Corcoran rudely refused to answer any questions from Trevor’s Dad or me, arrogantly asserting that he just didn’t have to talk to us, and insisting that we decide immediately which one would come in to the staffing. I ended up following him through security toward the conference room. I casually suggested that he discredits himself when he acts so afraid of answering simple questions.

This got to him! He didn’t quite squeeze his hands over his ears and go running down the hall screaming, “Blah, blah, blah, I’m not listening, I can’t even hear you...” the way an 8-year-old would — pretty close, but not quite (maybe next time). In any event, it was still pretty clear to me, and probably to several others, that he just cannot confront me AT ALL. He was an angry, scared little boy! I never saw this side of Corcoran before, I’ve only known he was a pathetic liar (even under oath!). I guess the traits are not independent of or unpredictable from, each other.

Shortly after the staffing began, Corcoran interrupted to ask me directly, “You’re not recording this, are you? I said no, but in fact, I did record every word, every facial  expresssion and every moment, with the smallest and most accurate device ever  (mentally).  

One extremely incriminating  statement was made by Wayne Beyer or Dan Malone (I’m not sure which, they might be kind of hard to tell apart  — if both  both are obese, bearded, red-faced, with a terrible attitude — Dan is the Social Worker in charge of the case, and I don’t know why Wayne would have been in this staffing.  

Trevor was explaining that he finds Alcoholics Annonymous  to be less than “helpful” because it is too much covert Chisistian evangelism. The objection is not uncommon or unreasonable, it’s more like an “everybody knows!”

The so-called “treatment” team wanted to get Trevor to do and believe according to their religion (psychiatry), and Wayne/Dan didn’t give up easily on AA. He began some formulaic disclaimer about it, but Trevor reiterated that he was not, and would not ever, be willing to comply with that element of the recommendations. Wayne/Dan insisted the recommendations were only to help Trevor.  I interjected that if he really wanted to help, he should stop nagging about something that Trevor was very clear on.  

The comment that inspired was probably the most incriminating thing said in the whole staffing: “Well. I’m trying to help him with his perception of AA.” In other words, “Trevor, don’t trust your own perception, mine is better, so just adopt it and pretend it’s your own.” Of course, this is classic brainwashing! Trevor, fortunately, has high enough integrity tha he won’t take that horrible invitation. He’ll remain true  to himself, and he’ll be much more able to stay straight with the world for that.  

But speaking of whose perception is better, it is the highest irony that the other person in the room, Faisa Kareemi, M.D., is the psychiatrist who failed miserably to perceive three years of daily sexual abuse occurring right under her nose on her own clinical unit, With her supposedly superior perception, she yet failed to perceive that at all!

And... I’m coming for you Jim.  

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